Monday 23 April 2012

April 2012 - In the beginning

This blog has been created to record and document the events that occur throughout my 18 month journey around the world. I don't expect anybody to read each and every update, I am making this mainly as a diary for myself but also for anyone wanting to keep an eye on where I may currently be and what I'm up to.

"I finally figured out the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it"

Enjoy - Matt

24th April 2012

Have just booked the first leg of my world trip starting in March 2013. This trip has been about 3-4 years in the making and has got progressively bigger as the years passed. As many people close to me know I caught a pretty severe case of the travel bug in my early 20's after my first trip overseas to Europe which pretty much ended in disaster after a car prang in northern Scotland. Ever since then I have pretty much worked to save for the next trip, rinse and repeat. Can't wait to be travelling again.

3rd April 2013

Before the trip has even begun I have had to endure 2 false starts with trips being cancelled due to low numbers. This has just added to my resolve and determination to actually get on the road and back to where I feel I really belong. The trip has snowballed into 18 months encompassing 66 countries, 60 of which I have not yet visited. Departure is now May 2013.

The majority of my trip will now be on 2 overland tours. Here are some rough maps of where my trip as planned will take me:

Starting in Central America for 2 months

Some time in the USA

And heading home via the scenic route

The actual route may end up being a bit different but that's half the fun of travelling.

Farewell, au revoir, arrivederci and adios. May you still recognise me when I return home half the weight but twice the person!

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